Memory Care Community Insider
A Monthly Look Inside Aravilla Clearwater
Aravilla Action
Here at Aravilla Clearwater we’re all about having fun. Last month we introduced Cooking Class to our weekly schedule of activities and it was a huge success! Our Aravilla cooks get to prep, cook, and devour treats every Monday at 1:45pm in the promenade with chef hats and matching aprons!

John H. making pigs in a blanket!

Our Top Aravilla Chefs!
Walk to End Alzheimer’s

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is right around the corner! The walk will be held on October 7th, 2023, at Poynter Park, located at 1000 3rd St. S. St. Petersburg. We would love our Aravilla Families to join us in support of the Alzheimer’s disease. If you would like to join us, we will be gathering at 8AM and the walk beings at 9AM. Walking not your thing? Please consider donating to our Aravilla Allstars team! You can do this by going on ALZ.ORG/WALK. Once you get on the website, you will select on FIND A TEAM. From there you can search for Aravilla and select ARAVILLA ALLSTARS with Barbara W. You can choose to donate or to join our team! We appreciate any walkers or donations and strive to make this a memorable Walk to End Alzheimers. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Team Captain Barbara W.

Putt-Putt Golf Tournament!
This month here at Aravilla Clearwater, we will be hosting a Putt-Putt Golf Tournament! Our competitive residents are pumped and eager to get this season started. Our Golf Tournament games will be held in the Promenade every Wednesday at 1:45pm. During our weekly games, our activities team will keep record of all points to be gathered and calculated at the end of the month. Special prizes will be given to our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
Schedule of Events:
Event Begins on 9/6
Games held every Wednesday at 1:45pm
Event Ends on 9/20
Location: Promenade

Harry practicing his Putt-Putt Golf skills

Peter aiming for a hole in one!
Cornhole Tournament Champions!
Last month we hosted a Cornhole Tournament for the first time here at Aravilla Clearwater! Special shoutouts go to our champions for this months tournament; Bob L., Mary L., & Betty Jo! Hosting tournaments for our residents comes with many benefits. Not only does it improve overall fitness, but it also improves coordination and skill development, increases confidence and self-esteem, enhances mental wellbeing, and encourages community connectedness and support. Follow our Facebook page; Aravilla Clearwater, for more unique and fun photos of your loved ones on Aravilla Adventures and during our activities!

Resident Spotlight Peter M.
We want to take a moment to recognize Peter M. as a part of our Aravilla Family. Peter was born in Summit, New Jersey in 1944. He graduated from Bayley-Ellard Highschool in 1963. After graduating high school Pete went straight to college where he studied for accounting. He graduated from Seton Hall University earning his Bachler’s Degree in Accounting. Shortly after, Peter began to work as an accountant for the international paper company. There he met his wife, Heidi, and together they had 3 beautiful children. Pete and Heidi were married in 1964 and have 3 boys together. His boys then had children of their own making him a very proud grandfather of 4. Peter retired after working for 31 years at a different company called Pfizer Pharmaceutical where he was a manager to manufacturing accounting. Peter’s favorite hobbies include fishing and traveling! After retiring in 2000, Pete would enjoy fishing every day. Him and his wife loved going on cruises. They also traveled all around the country together and even got to explore Canada and Mexico! Peter and his Wife moved to Florida in 2015 to be closer to his family. We are so very blessed to have Peter as a part of our Aravilla Family!

Peter M.

Peter on an Aravilla Adventure to the bar!

Pete’s advice for the younger generation!
9/4 Labor Day
9/11 Patriot Day
9/5 Steak & Shake
9/7 Resident Council Meeting
9/12 Country Side Mall
9/14 Museum Tour
9/19 Ladies Only Adventure
9/21 Men’s Only Bar Outing
9/23 Start of Fall
9/26 Moccasin Lake Park
9/27 Resident Birthday Party
9/28 Mystery Drive
Join our Exercise Class with EmpowerME every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 10am.
Celebrate September Birthday’s
in the Promenade on
September 27th starting at 1:45pm
Happy Birthday to:
9/8 Betty W.
9/12 Kassiani G.
9/15 Mark F.
9/17 Joan K.
9/22 Dennis J.