A Monthly Look Inside Memory Care Aravilla Clearwater
Live, Love & Laugh!
Everyday here at Aravilla we can all see the smiles glistening, littering the hallways with laughter and happiness. Everyday things continue to get better and better as we learn how to make others smile, laugh and prosper. Whether it’s going on an outing to Folly Farm to checkout the nature preserve, playing with bubbles, going on a mystery trip, whatever the case may be, we always help each other with our infectious words or nurture and indulging. Last month we had a good amount of engaging, spirit lifting activities, this month, we will have even MORE! More smiles, laughter, and socializing events and just overall fun! We can’t wait to start more outings and traveling to new areas! Just as always, we remain united as a team, family and community!

Happiness & Love Within Our Community
This month we had copious amounts of different themed activities! We had a taco party during Cinco De Mayo, painting while drinking wine and many outings. We still have entertainment twice a day with snacks and drinks, our birthday parties are usually a big hit during the live music. This month we paid some visits to the gazebo in the back of the building for some group reminiscing and story telling, went to Folly Farms which holds a pristine, beautiful nature preserve. We have so many things to look forward to in June!

Never Stop Being You!
Everyone here at Aravilla of Clearwater would like to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day! Memorial day is the day we remember all of those heroes throughout the years who have served and those who have fallen. Those among us who we knew, some whom we have lost, and those who came home. We must remember those individuals, and know that they were our sons, daughters, brothers, grandfathers grandmothers that served to protect this country and keep us free and keep us safe, they gave their lives to make that a reality, and this memorial day is another reminder to us that we need to keep those heroes in our minds and hearts. We have to remember that the secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, is courage. Thank you to all of those who have served. I will be taking a moment this weekend to honor those who served our nation and are no longer with us.
– Dawn Grady ED
Resident Spotlight: Suzanne Baseggio
Suzanne Baseggio was born and raised in Knightstown, Indiana. Suzanne has two daughters, four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Suzanne loved playing bridge (cards) gardening and having lunch with friends and family. Suzanne worked in Greenfield at he Hancock County Community Hospital as a medical receptionist for fifteen years. Suzanne loves music and she directed the Knightstown Methodist Church youth Choir for several years. Suzanne will turn 90 years young on June 10th 2022.
Suzanne has outlived both her husbands and is enjoying living at Aravilla if Clearwater. Suzanne moved to Florida Four months ago from Indiana and enjoys the weather and the people. While at Aravilla of Clearwater she has met new people and made new lasting friends. She loves the entertainment and live music that comes to play. Everyday, she has a blast with trivia and other brain games with others. When she has the time she will go outside for a little stroll to soak in the sun with family or friends.to love and appreciate Suzanne being here with us.
Memory Care
June Festivities
6/7 Pet Parade
6/10 Happy Hour
6/14 Caricature Day
6/21 Movie Night
6/23 Karaoke
6/28 Ice Cream Adventure Outing
6/29 Resident Birthday Party
Join Us Every Day at 10am in the Promenade for
Exercise Fun!
Celebrate June Birthdays in the Promenade
June 29th at 3pm
Happy Birthday To:
Suzanne Bassigio 6/10
Chuck Bunyan 6/13
Wilma Radford 6/17
Jean Weaver 6/17
Janet Bauer 6/23
Patricia Drolet 6/24
Joyce Wrobel 6/23
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